Saturday, June 20, 2009


Hey all,

Loads of ppl have been asking if they could join the chogang. I have kept saying we are doing fine for now. Is that so hard to understand?? :\

Anyway, if Emniki, William and Applepoppet agree, I might add a poll of who should be an author. Whoever has most votes will be added. That way it is fair to everyone. Ok? Ok. :) One problem: only chogang members would choose ppl for the poll. If anyone asks me if they can be an author, their comment will be deleted and will get a way smaller chance of being on the poll. Its just an idea anyway. ;-)

In other news: the winner of the contest becomes... Nathaniel9909!! Congratz! (the chobot was Gama2xo)


Doreysweetie626 said...

I like the idea! =)

Doreysweetie626 said...